
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Shorest & coolest good juju writing yet

What I like about you....Susan that you took place in one of the most unique writing adventures I've ever witnessed! I just watched Susan Wiggs type chapter 35 as the last chapter writer in a 36 writer marathon. It's an odd thing to watch a writer write. I write and dont' even want my kids around. I'm a jammie wearing writer (probably 'cause most of it is done in the wee hours of the AM). I like slouching in my seat, fidgeting and fooling around while absorbing how my character's are going to take the story from me. my delight, I had the opportunity to watch a master author in action. Can't wait for the charitable book to come out! It's part of The Novel Live.....the benefit? Literacy. Brilliant.

OK, so I'm a northeast girl and this event is a Seattle based event. But....the writer's involved are some of the best & brightest in the business. And if you ever want to immerse yourself in a writer's community.....Seattle seems to really stand out at the top of the paper pile as one of the most authentic, altruistic & fun bunch of people who help bring the love of reading & writing to the world. I LOVE Seattle & all she stands for. The people, the sights, the atmosphere and now....the writers.

This is DEFINITELY worth a gander over to their website to check them out!

I've been meaning to write a tribute to Susan Wiggs...and I will since I finished Just Breathe a while ago and she can write anything and make us feel the full range of human emotions...but for now....check out The Novel's good juju!!!


Monday, October 4, 2010

What I like about.....writer/fan conferences.

At Fevercon.;...I was a fly on the wall..sort of....but was worth it!
What I like about you……writer conferences! (I’m sharing their websites below…keep reading…no pictures…I have too much chatter boxing to do)

Sorry it’s been so long since blogging….I had to finish rereading the fever series of Karen Marie Moning. Why? I was enticed by all the good juju oozing from the message boards of her website. I love how much the Moning maniacs want to connect to their favorite author (s). The conference did not disappoint. As a matter of fact, I had the rare occurrence to meet other readers who love Moning’s work as much as I do. And, as with other smaller conferences I’ve been to, I’ve been reintroduced to other authors that I’ve briefly heard or met, but never really got to know (yet). I LOVED THAT I GOT TO HANG WITH MY SISTER....we never get to go anywhere....just us.....but apparently....this was a theme this weekend. Yet another bonus to my experience!

I’m going to name drop for a moment, so bare with me. Don’t be jealous. Karen Marie Moning, her husband’s band/music played front and back of the house (Neil Dover) set the mood. She invited her inspiration for the role of Jericho Barrons to come meet her fans who responded with well, let’s just say, enthusiasm isn’t a strong enough word. His name is Eric Etebari if you’ve not seen his work or heard of him… should & won’t be sorry. Then, to add another layer of interesting to this world of complex paranormal-romantic-darkness-challenges-the-light, Karen invited Phil Gigante, the “voice” of her characters if you like listening to books on your MP3 player (I listen to it on my way to work on my iPod).

So, here we are in a world created by an author, and I imagine, much like a Sherrilyn Kenyon world or Stephanie Meyer world, and with the help of her genius “cruise director” extraordinaire, Leiha Mann, we were thrown head first into a 300 person party for 3 days. Ok, party isn’t the word for it, but its close enough. The icing on the cake for me was having the opportunity to also hear Shauna Summers, (the senior editor at Random House), Kresley Cole and Gena Showalter talk. To reintroduce myself to the lovely, generous Dianna Love, exciting! Then, Karen introduced her fans to the newer talents of Stacia Kane.

Editors, authors, entertainers who make this fun and saucy literature into a visual art & passionate women who love this artistic format made for three days of good juju.

What did I walk away from liking the most? Besides the smart & witty women I got to be ‘girlfriends’ with if only for just a few days? ‘Cause really……people need a social life as part of being alive & thriving…I discovered that creative people generously share their space on this earth with other creative people. Then, when they don’t have to be any more compatible, they invite their fans (who can be intense at times)….to share in their love of their art. That’s good juju.

Writers, editors, actors & musicians won’t always be this cool. They won’t always be so generous with their time. Yes, it was promotion of their art, for any cynical people reading this. Duh! That part is obvious. But, it seemed more than that. It was an intense lesson in learning what their consumer’s want, what their fans need from them. It was a focus group of sorts. A way to say thank you for scooping up and buying our product. But, it was more than that too.

It was a depth of generosity that I’ve witnessed before in the people who provide us with our entertainment. Eric Etebari didn’t have to ‘work’ the room by allowing women to “pose” (ahem ladies…..and I mean pose) with the ladies who wanted a piece of him. Phil Gigante didn’t have to flirt and dance his way into the hearts of the maniacs….but he did so willingly….giving them what they wanted. I’m a party pooper to the naked eye. I sit back more than most…observe, watch, geek out a little as I take it all in.

There is a purpose to keeping the electricity alive between us as humans, an importance to connectivity. Nobody does it better than an author. So, without further adieu….here are the websites to all the people at this conference and if you EVER love someone’s work…..I highly recommend writing to them, encourage them with your positive feedback, show them the good juju by telling them how you feel. That’s the point of karma….give well and ye shall receive well. When someone spends days, weeks or months working on creating a world that sparks all your strongest emotions, they are doing so in solitude to the outside world. Knowing that they have achieved their goals by reaching us, the readers means more to them than you can ever know.

It’s just good juju all over the place. Ooooo.…it’s also a boat load of free, autographed books! I just started gobbling up Kresley Cole’s Dark Needs at Night’s Edge…and I do NOT want to put it down. Kresley can rock the Kasbah with her story…….what I like about…well, I DIGRESS….I’ll finish her book first then tell you why I’m loving it completely! :-}

FeverCon….thank you for all you did this past weekend in Atlanta! Leiha.....YOU are the master...the real deal.....charming as hell...funny as they come.....sweeter than sugar...the kind of expert entertainer that girls want to be friends with and guys want to date!

Karen Moning (super hero/girl genius, kind, caring, authentic, shy, sweet as heck & deeply appreciative of her fans…devoted to her cat & can basically write her bling-d up ass off!) I feel like a Harry Potter fan after book #3 and just 3 months before book #4 was released. Shadowfever is going to rock!

Neil Dover (the music, the husband, up close, looks like Michael Bubble & clearly in LOVE with his wife which is very sexy)

Eric Etebari (the actor/producer/director/writer/entertainer/inspiration & intelligent. A very interesting guy!)

Phil Gigante (the voice full of imagination & kindness….not afraid to have fun with people)

Kresley Cole (funny, smart, a real girl’s girl, gorgeous & tells a GREAT story! )

Gena Showalter (probably the inspiration for Stacie’s Mom…the song, funny, smart, sweet & genuinely caring)

Dianna Love (authentic, genuine & kind! If you ever want a perfect example of a Duchene smile…Dianna is the real deal)

Stacia Kane (totally rocks…..the new kid on the block to me….I’d have a keg party with you any time Stacia….even if I’m done at 1, it would be fun to hang with you & your creative self!)

Shauna Summers (VERY generous with her time & knowledge…a total delight...a special talk!)

Thank you all!