
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Remember that're as cold as ice...your willing to sacrifice our love...???

I haven't really blogged the way I've wanted to or been able to read at the pace I've been hoping for. I've read several books....thought both positive & negatives about almost all of them...and wondered what it would be like to be a stone cold editor (knowing they have to be completely objective, which is pretty tricky considering we're all human). I admire editors. As a teacher at the university level, I have to 'man-up' to that task with academic papers. I try hard to find the positives in each & every paper. Sometimes...they just miss the boat. Sometimes, they just need some editing help. Either way, it's a really tough job & I wish I had a more impartial view of what's in front of me. Instead, I concentrate on emotions, what drove the writer (student or fiction writer) and why they chose to write what they did.

As a writer myself, I'm wondering how subjective vs objective they all are. I've decided to ask students to put their names on the LAST page so I can read the papers they have to write, without knowing who they are. I tend to want some to do better than others. Do professional editors in the publishing business do the same? If they read a familiar they automatically assume, which creates a false positive in what they read? Or, can they be truly objective no matter what? As I try to defend and define parts of my dissertation, I'm thinking of the surprising emotional ties that I have to what I'm working on. I know what and why I want to do what I'm doing. The objective (or is she?) reviewer had questions and asked for certain changes. The inner child defended with a chip the size of Texas. The critical researcher (forced to grow up, be a grown up, and face reality).....has accepted the challenge to write so clearly, there will be no questions asked again.

We are all critical of each other. Can we do so from the POV of love for other humans & empathy toward their struggle to convey what they hoped when they wrote what we're reading? Or, are we quick to hate, to judge, to slash & burn in the spirit of being able to just say whatever we want? Ricky Gervais did that during the Golden Globes. He's a funny guy & i appreciate his talent as an actor. However, I thought he was just mean and to me, that is not entertaining or funny. People said, 'but actors deserve his comical POV, that they are all egotistical rich people who can afford to be made fun of'. How do we know that for sure? How do we ever know for sure how each individual person will take a critique of their work or their person?

And, if we put ourselves in their shoes, would we welcome the negativity? Grow from it? Embrace it? Or, would we be offended by it? I personally am sick of people being rude, or mean, or nasty just because they can. What's the point in it? What part of our humanity allows us to think that this is OK? When I read a book, like it or not, I try to find what I like in it. I try to be fair. I try to walk in the shoes of the person creating the work. If I'm feeling mean (and as a human being, we all are at times), I simply don't say anything at all. It's not fair to my own character and it's not fair to the artist trying to produce their best work.

So, why do I want to try to keep this blog going? I'm not a tough as nails critic. I'm not a fire breathing loud mouthed dragon, trying to put someone else down in order to make my own candle burn more brightly. I'm not even sure if I could forge my own career as a fiction writer exclusively. I'm a human being with a passion for trying to bring back the positive. I walk in the light of love for wanting to be better. I want others to feel that there are people out there who really care about them. We don't have to be ass kissers in order to let someone know we admire their work. We don't have to prove ourselves to others with words only the kids in the Scripps National Spelling Bee would know. We just have to put ourselves in the place of the artist & try to find what we like. What we do or don't like are completely subjective, no matter what. Bottom line.

Advice to the artist: Love what you do. Be the character. State the story with the passion that you're feeling. It'll be good.
Advice to the critical world we live in and all who write about what others are writing: Remember that you are one with that writer above all else. We deserve a higher quality of life than to stoop so low as to be mean spirited or condemning of others, just because.

Humility is a quality that I admire. If our editors and critics can be humble, while also offering a kind and gentle critique.....our genre will gain in ample strides. If we stay in the darkness of petty, mean-spirited low brow jabs....we will not evolve as a field, as people or as artists. Stay to the lights...that is good juju.

books to come!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Where did all the good juju go?

I've been a complete Scrooge for the last month. As a result, negativity happened & my laptop died. I did read a couple of stinky books (no offense, but they weren't my cup of tea...but since I won't publish the names of hard working authors who missed the mark with me...I suppose no harm done). However, I also read a couple of GREAT books! Those, I'll talk about....after I get my new computer next week.

In the meantime...I've decided to make a 2011 bucket List. Resolutions are meant to be broken...but the bucket somehow seems more obtainable. it'll be as full as I make it....but no so full that I can't carry it into 2012. I will say, it's going to be a BIG year for me personally. I'll be graduating with a PhD in psychology. I'll be submitting my book series (Glass Houses) starting with Gideon's Angel to an agent or two & pitching it at RWA nationals. And, I'll be writing the other 4 books in that series...they're all completely done in my head, but like any great accomplishment.....and the Nike company logo...I have to Just Do It!

[**Eddie Redmayne is the muse/inspiration for Gideon's character....if you didn't see him in Red for which he won a Tony.....did you see him in Pillars of the Earth? My all-time top favorite books.....MANY years before Oprah picked it...we're talking in the 1990's when I read it....and the movie did it justice]

And...the culmination of my dissertation will be developed into a book by the same name. The experience of happiness. Everyone in the field (and some outside of the field) of positive psychology is telling us "how to"...but there aren't many who are walking through that mine field. I'm working with romance writers 'cause who should know the intimate details of the experience of happiness better...than the people who write about "happily ever after"???? anyway.....that's on the front burner.

I love reading...addicted to it will of course, continue to comb my pile for the stuff that makes for good juju. But, ...choice of word intended....I sit for work, I sit for pleasure and other than the 6 hours a week I'll be actually standing while I teach at a university.....I sit while driving to and from work. Of course I can read & write...but the butt.....and all she's attached to.....have gone on strike. I've turned into a big bowl of jello and not in a happy jiggly a I'm-not-doing-any-favors-to-my-health kind of way. So, I have a Wii Fit Balance Board (thank you self-Santa)....and the Zumba Wii game (again, thank you Self-Santa)...and I'm going to get back in shape. Being a positive psychology life coach...I don't use words like "try" or "hopefully".....they indicate trying and failing or hoping but never achieving. instead...i am fostering a "it's just a way of life" attitude intent on positive action.

So, BIG changes for this side of the blog....all good juju....but with the knowledge that no matter what kind of change it is....change causes strong emotions to emerge and strong emotions can off-set the balance of things, so will be done gingerly (my favorite romance novel word). We have to be unconditionally in love with our lives and we have to be gentle with our emotions....the good ones...the bad ones...and (cliche warning)....the ugly ones.

That's my New Year Self-Adjustment to possibilities & probabilities.

Watch Next week for my review of Susan Wiggs, Kresley Cole, Joanne Kennedy's 2nd debut, & yep....Stephanie Myer's Host (which is MUCH more cerebral than the others...but yep...I'm a Twilight fan too....just so you know).

In the meantime....Happy Reading everybody!!! big question....who inspires you. If you watch for the signs....they can be anyone.

Eddie Redmayne (you can him)....but hopefully, when Gideon's Angel is made into a movie...he'll be available to play Gideon. I want Jane Lynch to play his Mother (can't you see the resemblance).The Mother's a very bad person...but will redeem herself in the end...I hope!
(ok...THIS is dreaming...but dreaming is free & possibilities don't emerge from staying grounded all the time).