
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Big Girl Panties

If I'm going to be "in the blog game" and tell people what I think of a book in the romance genre...I better be able to read ALL books in the genre. Though I've invited several fabulous life coach affiliates & friends to guest blog other genres....I'm sticking strictly with romance. Why? Because I've been studying this genre for the better part of 6 years, and focusing on studying the personality traits of people [women in particular] who WRITE romance. I know it. I write it. I hope to publish in it someday. AND....I like it!

Now, with that said, what I don't read (too often) is the erotica stuff. What's that you say? ALL romance isn't sex on a stick. No! As a matter of fact, it's only one of many, many sub-genres...everything from paranormal (yes, vampires & wolves) to inspirational love stories (Jesus & other various religious affiliations). There isn't always sex.....some times none at all. There isn't always drama...sometimes just good 'ol fashioned mischievous fun. The romance genre comes in every shape, color, adventure, idea, traditional, quintessential or futuristic story.

SO...what I should have said at the beginning of this blog is.... in the immortal words of Peter Brady, "never assume. You make an 'ass' of 'u' and 'me'".  Or...was that Greg Brady. get the picture.

IF you really want to know about this BILLION dollar industry....taken VERY seriously by it's's the RWA [Romance Writers of America] website. Take a look around. You might just be surprised. Or, like me....proud to say you love romance.

Now.....what's the point of this blog? My next book. I was too tired to figure out which one I wanted to pick next. So, I did what every judicial person does. I asked my 7 yr old to grab a book off the shelf and hand it to me. Naturally, being a very practical male child....he took the one within 1st reach. It's erotica. I'm very thankful that he wasn't remotely curious about it, opening the first, foot in mouth, having to explain....."that" stuff. I "wasn't in the mood" to read started to put it back. BUT....back to the big girl panties. I have to put 'em on and start reading so I can do justice to giving it a shot for the benefit of the author's hard work.

The way I look at is this. If a psychology graduate student about to earn the top degree in my field can't read about sex....then NOBODY should be reading about sex. So, as Joan Rivers would say, "snap out of it"....and so I did. On Monday (after working on my literature review for my dissertation)....I'm reading erotica. Freud would be so proud!

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