
Friday, August 20, 2010

What I like about Laurie Brown's What Would Jane Austen Do

What I like about you….’re book What Would Jane Austen Do, Laurie Brown is how you taught me to dance. In life coaching, a coach & client are really working it out when they are “dancing in the moment”. In What Would Jane Austen Do, that is exactly what I was doing with the characters. Each chapter felt like a waltz with spunky dialog or lovely descriptors of the regency era. I’m not a Jane Austen buff, but have seen all the movies (I mean ALL) made about the regency period and read dozens of regency period novels. Laurie Brown gave me a light hearted history lesson while reading this book. The POV emulated the spirited talks of a person who clearly has a voice filled with passion for a time in history unique unto itself.

On a light note, I have tremendous respect for any writer who brings us into the practical while delivering fantastical. If one can discuss toilet issues of the regency period, I know they are willing to extend their own area of expertise to everything else in a scene. I even strongly belief that the ghosts were sincere in needing the human component and was utterly charmed by the sisters, before and ‘after’. Like the waltz, Laurie Brown’s dialog amongst the generations was light hearted and fun. The chaperone’s seriousness in their intentions had me chuckling, until that is, I realized I’m probably the same age as the ‘older women’! That’s not funny at all. LOL Well, ok, it is, but makes me glad that I’m here, not there.

Mostly, I have never thought of visiting where Ms. Austen penned her historical romances, but thanks to Ms. Brown, by the end of this story, I was feeling a strong pull to want to visit the Hampshire area. Perhaps, even explore the glorious world of make believe where Austen grew up. This book was entertaining, educational and lovely, as was the time it took place. The hint at historical facts in the political realm wrapped the package nicely with a slice of our past. Two good juju thumbs up Laurie Brown. I appreciate your wit & creativity! I also LOVE the way you signed “the end”….truly a positive twist on life. One that is sincerely enjoyed. It’s no wonder you are a RITA finalist. Thank you for the literary dance!


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